691 Collective Nouns
Organize by Nouns | Group
Faculty of Academics
Troupe of Acrobats
Cast of Actors
Company of Actors
Condescension of Actors
Cry of Actors
Queue of Actors
Entrance of Actresses
Bench of Aldermen
Congregation of Alligators
Herd of Antelopes
Army of Ants
Colony of Ants
Nest of Ants
Swarm of Ants
Shrewdness of Apes
Troop of Apes
Conflagration of Arsonists
Troupe of Artistes
Drove of Asses
Herd of Asses
Pace Or Passe of Asses
Team of Athletes
Troop of Baboons
Cete of Badgers
Tabernacle of Bakers
Babble of Barbers
Promise of Barmen
Thought of Barons
Boast of Barristers
Wiggery of Barristers
Shower of Bastards
Colony of Bats
Sleuth Or Sloth of Bears
Squad of Beaters
Beavy of Beauties
Galaxy of Beauties
Colony of Beavers
Family of Beavers
Drift of Bees
Erst of Bees
Grist of Bees
Swarm of Bees
Fighting of Beggars
Dissimulation of Birds
Flight of Birds
Flock of Birds
Pod of Birds
Bench of Bishops
Bench of Bishops
Psalter of Bishops
Sea of Bishops
Sedge Or Sege of Bitterns
Sounder of Boars (wild Boars)
Troop of Boy Scouts
Blush of Boys
Plush of Boys
Rascal of Boys
Feast of Brewers
Pack of Brownies
Herd of Buffalo
Bellowing of Bullfinches
Drove of Bullocks
Shuffle of Bureaucrats
Goring of Butchers
Draught of Butlers
Sneer of Butlers
Flutter of Butterflies
Swarm of Butterflies
Wake of Buzzards
Caravan of Camels
Flock of Camels
Train of Camels
Slate of Candidates
Chapter of Canons
Dignity of Canons
Tok of Capercaillie
Company of Capitalists
Syndicate of Capitalists
Mews of Capons
College of Cardinals
Herd of Caribou
Pound of Carpenters
Army of Caterpillars
Mass of Catholics
Cats (wild Cats) of Cats
Clowder of Cats
Cluster Or Clutter of Cats
Glaring of Cats
Pounce of Cats
Drove of Cattle
Herd of Cattle
Gaggle of Censors
Array of Cheerleaders
Board of Chess Players
Brood of Chess Players
Brood of Chickens
Clutch of Chickens
Peep of Chickens
Chattering Or Clattering of Choughs
Embarassment of Christophers
Congregation of Churchgoers
Rookery of Clerks
School of Clerks
Alley of Clowns
Pratfall of Clowns
Cutting of Cobblers
Drunkenship Or Drunkship of Cobblers
Drunkship of Cobblers
Rag of Colts
Rake of Colts
Gaggle of Comedians
Riot of Comedians
Colhose of Communists
Hastiness of Cooks
Hastiness of Cooks
Covert of Coots
Gulp of Cormorants
Cavvy of Cowboys
Saunter of Cowboys
Pack of Coyotes
Herd of Cranes
Sedge Or Sege of Cranes
Shrivel of Critics
Bask of Crocodiles
Float of Crocodiles
Murder of Crows
Herd of Curlews
Cowardice of Curs
Flight (male) of Dancers
Float (female) of Dancers
Troupe of Dancers
Decanter of Deans
Decorum of Deans
Tantrum of Decorators
Bunch of Deer
Herd of Deer
Mob of Deer
Parcel of Deer
Rangale of Deer
Amalgam of Dentists
Brace of Dentists
Wince of Dentists
Rash of Dermatologists
Set of Designers
Subtlety of Designers
Board of Directors
Doctrine of Doctors
Troop of Dogfish
Pack of Dogs
Pod of Dolphins
School of Dolphins
Team of Dolphins
Obstruction of Dons
Trip of Dotterel
Dole Or Dule of Doves
Flight of Doves
Piteousness of Doves
Asylum of Drummers
Fagot of Drummers
Roll of Drummers
Badling of Ducks
Brace of Ducks
Bunch of Ducks
Flock of Ducks
Paddling of Ducks
Plump of Ducks
Raft of Ducks
Skein of Ducks
Sord Or Sore of Ducks
String of Ducks
Team of Ducks
Waddling of Ducks
Fling of Dunlins
Convocation of Eagles
Bed of Eels
Swarm of Eels
Herd of Elephants
Gang of Elk
Staff of Employees
Mob of Emus
Pound of Englishmen
Prance of Equestrians
Discord of Experts
Panel of Experts
Business of Ferrets
Fesnyng of Ferrets
Charm Or Chirm of Finches
School of Fish
Shoal of Fish
Drift of Fishermen
Exaggeration of Fishermen
Grumble of Fishermen
Sulk of Fishermen
Stand of Flamingoes
Business of Flies
Cloud of Flies
Swarm of Flies
Trail of Followers
Stalk of Foresters
Stalk of Foresters
Leash of Foxes
Skulk of Foxes
Peck of Frenchmen
Party of Friends
Army of Frogs
Talent of Gamblers
Flock of Geese
Gaggle of Geese
Plump of Geese
Skein of Geese
Team of Geese
Wedge of Geese
Glitter of Generals
Helix of Geneticists
Conglomerate of Geologists
Formation of Geologists
Plane of Geometrists
Gross of Germans
Fraid of Ghosts
Corps of Giraffes
Herd of Giraffes
Tower of Giraffes
Company of Girl Guides
Giggle of Girls
Cloud of Gnats
Horde of Gnats
Rabble of Gnats
Swarm of Gnats
Flock of Goats
Herd of Goats
Tribe of Goats
Trip Or Trippe of Goats
Pantheon of Gods
Charm of Goldfinches
Lie of Golfers
Tedium of Golfers
Plunder of Goons
Dopping of Goosanders
Band of Gorillas
Whoop of Gorillas
Flight of Goshawks
Slither of Gossip Columnists
Gaggle of Gossips
Galaxy of Governesses
Fortitude of Graduate Students
Conjunction of Grammarians
Nag of Grandparents
Wisdom of Grandparents
Cloud of Grasshoppers
Swarm of Grasshoppers
Palate of Grimace
Songer of Grimace
Grope of Groupies
Covey of Grouse
Pack of Grouse
Rasp of Guineafowl
Set of Gym Instructors
Troupe of Gymnasts
Smear of Gynaecologists
Store of Gypsies
Cruft of Hackers
Set of Hairdressers
Swish of Hairdressers
Down of Hares
Drove of Hares
Flick of Hares
Husk of Hares
Herd of Harlots
Melody of Harpists
Herd of Harts
Boil of Hawks
Cast of Hawks
Kettle of Hawks
Lease of Hawks
Array of Hedgehogs
Debauchery of Hedonists
Expectation of Heirs
Observance of Hermits
Observance of Hermits
Sedge Or Sege of Herons
Siege of Herons
Trip of Hippies
Bloat of Hippopotamuses
Flagon of Hobos
Parcel of Hogs
Ensemble of Homosexuals
Gang of Hoodlums
Cavalcade of Horsemen
Band of Horses
Haras Or Harrase of Horses
Herd of Horses
Stable of Horses
String of Horses
Stud of Horses
Team of Horses
Cry of Hounds
Hunt of Hounds
Meet of Hounds
Mute of Hounds
Pack of Hounds
Stable of Hounds
Blast of Hunters
Multiply of Husbands
Unhappiness of Husbands
Cackle of Hyenas
Herd of Ibex
Colony of Ibises
Mess of Iguanas
Blur of Impressionists
Imposition of In-laws
Flight of Insects
Horde of Insects
Plague of Insects
Rabble of Insects
Swarm of Insects
Tounge of Interpreters
Pint of Irishmen
Explosion of Italians
Clattering of Jackdaws
Train of Jackdaws
Band of Jays
Party of Jays
Scold of Jays
Fluther of Jellyfish
Smack of Jellyfish
Wheeze of Joggers
Scoop of Journalists
Slant of Journalists
Bench of Judges
Sentence of Judges
Neverthriving of Jugglers
Damning of Jurors
Mob of Kangaroos
Troop of Kangaroos
Banner of Knights
Rout of Knights
Bevy of Ladies
Deceit Or Desert of Lapwings
Bevy of Larks
Exaltation of Larks
Disputation of Lawyers
Eloquence of Lawyers
Escheat of Lawyers
Greed of Lawyers
Huddle of Lawyers
Quarrel of Lawyers
Drift of Lecturers
Leap Or Lepe of Leopards
Colony of Lepers
Tough of Lesbians
Pink of Liberals
Catalogue of Librarians
Shush of Librarians
Stack of Librarians
Pride of Lions
Sawt of Lions
Audience of Listeners
Lounge of Lizards
Shoal of Mackerel
Illusion of Magicians
Bench of Magistrates
Charm of Magpies
Congregation of Magpies
Gulp of Magpies
Murder of Magpies
Tiding of Magpies
Tittering of Magpies
Morbidity of Majors
Brace of Mallards
Flush of Mallards
Puddling of Mallards
Sord of Mallards
Suit Or Sute of Mallards
Stud of Mares
Richesse Or Richness of Martens
Number of Mathematicians
Set of Mathematicians
Riches of Matrons
Density of Meatheads
Clutch of Mechanics
Torque of Mechanics
Bonion of Melindas
Band of Men
Faith of Merchants
Diligence of Messengers
Amalgamation of Metallurgists
Shower of Meteorologists
Mischief of Mice
Nest of Mice
Trip of Mice
Colony of Microbiologists
Expectation of Midwives
Shoal of Minnows
Troupe of Minstrels
Slouch of Models
Company of Moles
Labor Or Labour of Moles
Barrel of Monkeys
Cartload of Monkeys
Tribe of Monkeys
Troop of Monkeys
Abominable Sight of Monks
Plump of Moorhens
Herd of Moose
Scourge of Mosquitoes
Consternation of Mothers
Mutter of Mothers-in-law
Cortege of Mourners
Fleet of Mudhens
Barren of Mules
Pack of Mules
Rake of Mules
Span of Mules
Band of Musicians
Orchestra of Musicians
Mug of Narcissists
Reflection of Narcissists
Tribe of Natives
Jungle of Nazis
Squeal of Nieces
Watch of Nightingales
Freeze of Northerners
Convent of Nuns
Flap of Nuns
Murmur of Nuns
Pray of Nuns
Superfluity of Nuns
Superfluity of Nuns
Spread of Nymphomaniacs
Consortium of Octopuses
Execution of Officers
Mess of Officers
Crowd of Onlookers
Brace of Orthodontists
Brace of Orthopaedists
Cast of Orthopaedists
Joint of Osteopaths
Parliament of Owls
Drove of Oxen
Team of Oxen
Yoke of Oxen
Curse of Painters
Illusion of Painters
Misbelieving of Painters
Flash of Paparazzi
Embarrassment of Parents
Persistence of Parents
Company of Parrots
Pandemonium of Parrots
Covey of Partridges
Body of Pathologists
Virtue of Patients
Muster of Peacocks
Ostentation of Peacocks
Pride of Peacocks
Malapertness of Pedlars
Pod of Pelicans
Audience of People
Crowd of People
Mob of People
Meter of Percussionist
Troupe/troup of Performers
Bouquet of Pheasants
Head of Pheasants
Nest of Pheasants
Nide of Pheasants
Nye of Pheasants
Confiusion of Philosophers
Ponder of Philosophers
Clique of Photographers
Snap of Photographers
College of Physicians
Nucleus of Physicists
Pound of Pianists
Kit of Pigeons
Drift of Pigs
Drove of Pigs
Crew of Pilots
Yoke of Pilots
Poverty of Pipers
Skirl of Pipers
Congregation of Plovers
Stand of Plovers
Wing of Plovers
Flood of Plumbers
Flush of Plumbers
Iamb of Poets
Obsucurity of Poets
Rhyme of Poets
Posse of Police
Equivocation of Politicians
Lie of Politicians
Odium of Politicians
Converting of Preachers
Discretion of Priests
Lechery of Priests
Mass of Priests
Superfluity of Priests
Gang of Prisoners
Pity of Prisoners
Pomposity of Professors
Archive of Programmers
Bloat (microsoft) of Programmers
Anthology of Prostitutes
Stable of Prostitutes
Whored of Prostitutes
Complex of Psychoanalysts
Complex of Psychologists
Twaddle of Public Speakers
Grumble of Pugs
Blaze of Pyromaniacs
Conflagration of Pyromaniacs
Bevy of Quail
Covey of Quail
Drift of Quail
Gaze of Raccoons
Series of Radiologists
Unkindness of Ravens
Flight of Refugees
Pan of Reviewers
Crash of Rhinoceroses
Melee of Rioters
Band of Robbers
Building of Rooks
Parliament of Rooks
Crew of Sailors
Deck of Sailors
Sample of Salesmen
Bind of Salmon
Draught of Salmon
Run of Salmon
Fling of Sandpipers
Rout of Schoolboys
Clan of Scots
Disworship of Scots
Club of Seals
Herd of Seals
Pod of Seals
Scolding of Seamstresses
House of Senators
Subtlety of Sergeants-at-law
Obeisance of Servants
Shiver of Sharks
Down of Sheep
Drift of Sheep
Drove of Sheep
Flock of Sheep
Herd of Sheep
Hurtle of Sheep
Meinie of Sheep
Mob of Sheep
Parcel of Sheep
Trip of Sheep
Dopping of Sheldrake
Sodom of Shepherds
Posse of Sheriffs
Blackening of Shoemakers
Crush of Shoppers
Choir of Singers
Billow of Smokers
Hack of Smokers
Escargatoire of Snails
Hood of Snails
Rout of Snails
Walk of Snails
Bed of Snakes
Den of Snakes
Knot of Snakes
Nest of Snakes
Pit of Snakes
Walk of Snipe
Whisp Or Wisp of Snipe
Army of Soldiers
Brigade of Soldiers
Company of Soldiers
Division of Soldiers
Muster of Soldiers
Platoon of Soldiers
Troop of Soldiers
Host of Sparrows
Meinie of Sparrows
Tribe of Sparrows
Cluster Or Clutter of Spiders
Colony of Squirrels
Dray of Squirrels
Scurry of Squirrels
Chattering of Starlings
Clattering of Starlings
Cloud of Starlings
Congregation of Starlings
Murmuration of Starlings
Pack of Stoats
Trip of Stoats
Flight of Storks
Mustering of Storks
Phalanx of Storks
Class of Students
Simplicity of Subalterns
Flight of Swallows
Gulp of Swallows
Bank of Swans
Bevy of Swans
Drift of Swans
Eyrar of Swans
Flight of Swans
Game of Swans
Herd of Swans
Lamentation of Swans
Sownder of Swans
Team of Swans
Wedge of Swans
Whiting of Swans
Flock of Swifts
Scream of Swifts
Doylt of Swine
Drift of Swine
Trip of Swine
Bed of Swingers
Disguising of Tailors
Proud Showing of Tailors
Glozing of Taverners
Quiz of Teachers
Spring of Teal
Attitude of Teenagers
Grunt of Teenagers
Battery of Tests
Den of Thieves
Gang of Thieves
Skulk of Thieves
Ambush of Tigers
Streak of Tigers
Knot of Toads
Nest of Toads
Flock of Tourists
Graft of Tree Surgeons
Hover of Trout
Board of Trustees
Gang of Turkeys
Rafter of Turkeys
Dole Or Dule of Turtle Doves
Pitying of Turtle Doves
Bale of Turtles
Dole of Turtles
Nest of Turtles
Unction of Undertakers
Sprig of Vegetarians
Prudence of Vicars
Nest of Vipers
Absence of Waiters
Indifference of Waiters
Order of Waiters
Amble of Walkers
Herd of Walruses
Pod of Walruses
Bunch of Waterfowl
Knob of Waterfowl
Raft of Waterfowl
Colony of Weasels
Pack of Weasels
Linkage of Webmasters
Net of Webmasters
Gam of Whales
Herd of Whales
Mob of Whales
Pod of Whales
Ambush of Widows
Company of Wigeons
Trip of Wigeons
Bunch of Wildfowl
Knob of Wildfowl
Plump of Wildfowl
Trip of Wildfowl
Coven of Witches
Impatience of Wives
Pack of Wolves
Rout Or Route of Wolves
Gaggle of Women
Fall of Woodcocks
Descent of Woodpeckers
Gang of Workmen
Congregation of Worshippers
Herd of Wrens
Clutch of Wrestlers
Crunch of Wrestlers
Worship of Writers
Fellowship of Yeoman
Cohort of Zebras
Dazzle of Zebras
Herd of Zebras
Zeal of Zebras